Galapagos – May 2017

….. So let’s start with a question – why would 4 of our members agree to suffer spending a day in 3 different planes flying across the globe, in addition spending another day sailing in not so calm ocean? – well this time the “Darwin and Wolf” is the right answer. Yes we (Iris, Leszek, Tim and me – Michal) fulfil our-self (yet another) diving dream and went for a trip to these northern / remote islands of Galapagos group… so what have we seen ….

well where to start …. this time of the year its about sharks, sharks & and yes you may have guessed sharks … we seen the usual friends – reef sharks, elegant Galapagos, sneaky slimers – the Silkies, and yes Hammerheads, Hammerheads and Hammerheads… not to see sharks in a dive up there means you forgot to jump into the water … This abundance of sharkiness have a strange effect – you kind of expect them to be there and look for more stuff… and yes – there was more – sea lions, turtles, pods of dolphins and large fishes (yellow fin tunas being my favourite) were a common sight and especially amusing to watch at safety stops … plus, add sightings of large morays hunting (during day !!!) and beautiful fishes that come way closer to you than I seen anywhere else – well I think you got the idea…
We rounded the trip on both sides with extra time – first, on the way there we stopped in Quito to see a bit of Equador (country that, as I found out, is worth visit even if there would not be any Galapagos) and on “way back” – we pro-longed the trip with a land based stay in Puerto Ayora (largest if a bit touristy town in Galapagos) to spend even more time with sea lions, marine iguanas and pelicans (and more) at wonderful beaches… well enough of winding all of you up … let the pictures speak … for me the question is – how and when to get back!

btw did I mentioned watching a large group of pilot whales passing by ????

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