Bovisand, Plymouth

9 intrepid souls battled through May Bank Holiday and half term traffic to make it down to Bovisand. Sadly the big rhib was out of action, but they squeezed us onto Red Alert. After a lazy morning in the sunshine, we went out to Hilsea Point followed by the Glen Strathallen where the viz was slightly better!

After a lovely meal at Rockfish stuffing ourselves full of sea food, we retired for the night before a morning sunbathing!! That afternoon we went out to the Mewstone and on to Fairylands.

That evening, we went to the Clovelly Inn for yet another delicious meal and a pint or two.

The final day, we trundled out to Hand Deeps stopping along the way for a Sunfish (Mola Mola) that decided to wave at us.

The vis on Hand Deeps can only be described as amazing (15-20m!!) and the nudibranch species count went up to 7 different types in total over the weekend (although the Pink Sea Fan nudibranch was identified retrospectively).

After a chicken pasty we trundled over to the Eddystone to say hi to the resident seal and in the hope of equally good vis! The seal didn’t disappoint, but sadly the vis did – back down to green lumpy 2-3m of plankton bloom.

All in all a good time was had by all and there were no incidents, and to top it off Chris passed his Ocean Diver qualification!!

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