Stoney Cove – 19th March 2022

Long time no see Stoney! PSACs last quarry dive before getting salty saw a few more divers come out of hibernation to make sure all gear was functional before Swanage next month.
This trip saw an extension to a full weekend with a stay booked at Casa del Mary-rose courtesy of Helen back over from Northern Ireland.
The first day started with an ill advised trip to the 6m shelf, with almost none existent vis for a bit of skills practice and various tours of Stoney, taking in all of the highlights
Saturday saw the group take in a well deserved trip to TGI Friday, for a vast amount of food and laughs in equal measure.
On Sunday, more brave PSACers turned up for dives involving a mix of training and fun dives, with divers practising twinset and adp skills ahead of the summer.
A fun weekend had by all and lots learnt ahead of the summer: always remember to put your weightbelt in the car, If you put your iphone in your outer drysuit pocket then take it out before you go for a dive, If it looks slippery it probably is!
Divers: George, Charles, Brian, Michal, Helen, Andrew, Cam, Tim, Liam
Credit: George (Trip Organiser and Training Officer) & Charles
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