Boat Handling Course – 22nd January 2022

After some hard work giving our new RIB (Femti) a bit of TLC towards the back end of 2021 and early 2022 it was time to run our annual Boathandling course.
Tactically chosen for the cold winter months to ensure we have plenty of keen boat handlers ahead of the diving season, four members (Andrew, Charlie, Henry and George) braved the cold Thames.
Saturday was our theory day excellently provided by Steve. We even managed a brief launch and recovery with the old RIB (Putney Diver) and a small amount of boat handling practice.
Sunday was the big practical day: Nick took Putney Diver out with Andrew, Charlie & Henry for their drills and Steve took Femti out with George (with Michal and Brian) to check her over again after a bit of trouble shooting on the engine and to practice the relevant drills for the Boathandling course.
A great day out and lots of knowledge passed on, ready for using on the south coast very soon!
Credit – George (Training Officer)
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