Swanage Training Trip – 18th September 2021

In September, we organised one of the most ambitious training trips Putney BSAC has done.
8 instructors, 8 trainees and our trusty RHIB went to Swanage for the weekend, doing a mix of hardboat, RHIB and shore diving. This included 6 members who have joined since the pandemic and for some, this was their first time in British waters. We did some (pretty fast) drift dives, the Fleur de Lhys, Swanage Pier, Peverill ledges and one of our favourites – the Valentine Tanks. The tanks didn’t disappoint with good visibility and teaming with life, including some massive moray eels. On the whole the weather was pretty good and we were able to enjoy a large barbecue and toast marshmallows one evening at our accommodation. We signed off 4 ocean diver, 7 sports diver and 6 dive leader lessons, as well as gaining experience in the water, a huge testament to both our instructors and trainees.
Credit – Emma (Training Officer and Trip Organiser)
Extra Credit must be given to Emma for organising the most logistically complex trip we’ve had and all with a smile. Everything went pretty smoothly and a great time was had by all! Thank you Emma!
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