Pembrokeshire Trip – 12th June 2021

With a promising weather forecast, 10 divers set off from London to Pembrokeshire for 3 days of diving on the South Wales coast. The first challenge was navigating the highly confusing  Welsh covid rules, but by Friday evening Divers were settled into the scenically placed Broad Haven YHA and excited for the diving ahead.

Day 1 started with loading in the Milford Haven Marina, followed by an hour steam out to Skomer Island and our first dive sites. The team were having great fun observing the wildlife along the way (puffins a particular favorite). Diving did not disappoint either with plenty of marine life including spider crabs, lobsters and Nudibranchs – these would become staples for the trip. After a good days diving, we headed down to Broadhaven beach for a few beers and a BBQ, watching the sunset was a great way to end a fab first day of the trip.

Day 2 started with another steam out to Skomer Island, with the objective of a more challenging dive on the wreck of The Lucy. Good Viz made for a great dive, with divers longing for more bottom time to explore the wreck in more depth. The second dive was back on the fantastic reef for a chilled out dive and supersized examples of the usual suspects, the reef clearly benefitting from the marine reserve protection. A trip to the pub rounded of another great day.

Day 3 began with a dive inside the haven on the fantastic wreck of the Dekotian, shallower depth and a flooding tide turning slack provided great viz and very happy divers. A nice way for our Chairman Cameron to celebrate his 300th dive! Back out to the islands, Skokholm this time for another scenic dive, with a glimpse of a seal underwater for a lucky dive pair!

We had a fantastic 3 days diving on board Overdale (Pembrokeshire-boat-charters) & thanks to Dave & Richard for having us. We were lucky with the weather, Pembrokeshire is stunning and a great group to spend a long weekend away with!

Credit – Charles (Trip organiser)

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