Medes Islands – April 2018

Our first trip abroad this year was to the Medes Islands in Spain. A small group of islands just of the coast of Catalonia

Despite being in the Mediterranean dry suits were still required, the water was a brisk 13C. Due to the cold water the wildlife is similar to the UK this time of year except everything is much BIGGER. There are huge groupers, scorpion fish the size of your head and loads of nudibranchs. The islands also have some great cavern dives that gave us the opportunity to work on our cave diving skills.

The dive centre runs a very slick organisation, everything is taken care of for you. Kit is brought to and from the boat for you and they store it overnight in rooms that automatically wash your kit. Combine this with the full board accommodation and it all the perks of a live aboard without the inconvenience of being at sea.

A great way to start the dive season with a relaxing long weekend enjoying the Spanish sun. I think we’ll definitely have to go back, but perhaps at a later time of year when the water has warmed up a bit. Though unfortunately Simon won’t be joining us as this was his last trip with the club before his move to Asia 🙁

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