Bognor Regis – May 2014

Our first dive trip on UK open water in 2014 was a day trip to Bognor Regis with the club boat. The conditions couldn’t have been better, the sun was out and the sea could not have been flatter (I believe ‘glassy’ is the official term). A perfect day for taking the club rib out for a spin.

We planned to do two dives, one on the Mulberry wreck and a second on Bognor rocks. Unfortunately as is sometimes the case in UK diving despite the visibility being fantastic out of the water it was awful in the water. The first wave of divers on the wreck could see a little over two feet, not the best diving conditions. The second wave of divers decided to skip the Mulberry and try diving at Bognor rocks. The visibility hear was a little better but still not great. So after that we decided to call it a day and head to the pub.

Despite the diving being less than excellent it was still a great day out. We got to take the club boat out on the English channel in perfect conditions. Iris, Dale and Waleed had their first taste of diving in the English channel, and we all got a little sun burned, which doesn’t happen too often on a UK diving trip.

Thanks to Sarah and Steve for organising, and to Darren for towing the rhib. Bring on St. Abbs.