Scapa Flow

Scapa Flow Scapa, Kirkwall, United Kingdom

Driving to Scotland on Friday Aug 30th, to board the MV Karen to dive Scapa Flow on Saturday morning. We have one spare place due to drop-out. Suits Sports Diver and above. Any interested parties should contact Mark Glowery.

St Abbs

St Abbs Rock House, St Abbs, United Kingdom

Call for interest for St Abbs on 11-14 Oct (12-13 diving)

St Abbs diving is one of my favourites - marine nature park with lot of reefs spongie / soft corals but also all the creepers and enigmatic Wolf fish …there is a chance to do night dive if serious interest - done it and it can be fantastic. Good non fish live - seals, sea birds hunting etc …


Sound Of Mull

Sound of Mull Lochaline, United Kingdom

When: looking at June 2025, 4-5 days diving, about 5-6 days total
Where: Sound of the Mull, Scotland
Who: open to Sports Diver and above. DL+(twins/ADP) to get the most out of it. Up to 12 people
What: diving
Cost: approx £450 for diving and accommodation. Food + transport + air extra
